Gran Hermano Academy is a co-educational boarding Institution, consisting of nursery, primary and senior secondary school children between the ages of 2-16 years.
It was founded to provide a balanced comprehensive educational curriculum for the full development of children intellectually, spiritually and socially.
Our students together with our experienced, professional and highly skilled staff form a vibrant community, a place that is dedicated to securing outstanding achievement for all. From the onset, they are made to feel very welcomed and comfortable with their teachers. The students` hostels could be best described as "a home away from home". They thrive in a truly friendly environment.
Our students` academic records speak volume and their results have established our academy as one of the very best in Nigeria.
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Our Lab is a digital library designed to eliminate the infrastructural and psychological barrier that limits the use of technology in schools.
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Our biology laboratory is well equipped with modern facilities and tools to facilitate not only theory but practical aspect of the subject.
The environment is cool and conducive which promotes effective teaching and learning.
Our Physics laboratory is well equipped and has a very conducive atmosphere such that students can perform their experiments with the least discomfort.
A laboratory well certified by Cambridge. Its carrying capacity of students is about 50-60 at a time. Our school chemistry laboratory is well sophisticated with modern laboratory equipment such as the fume cupboard, water distillation chamber, kipp's apparatus for intermittent production of gases, desiccator for drying of solids.
All hail, Gran Hermano
My school, my pride
My alma mater
For you will blossom in wisdom
To achieve excellence
Springing leadership
We are great
We are great
Arise, Gran Hermano
Shine forth with light
That never goes dim
Shining to the hills and valleys
Molding, restructuring
Future generation
G.H.A, G.H.A., G.H.A.
We are great
We are great
To be a top-class school for the pursuit of excellence in knowledge as well as character and service to humanity.
To provide a conducive teaching environment, learning and character based on the fear of God and hard work.
To develop a child completely, that is body, mind and soul, so as to attain excellence in all ramifications of life.
We are driven to giving the best teaching and support to all students and we are committed to helping them achieve success.
Admissions are open to pupils in creche, nursery, primary and secondary. We also offer after school care and Weekend Classes.